
Casting Your Cares

The worship service today focused on 1 Peter 5:7 where Peter writes, “Cast your cares upon Him, for God cares for you.” Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message while Dr. Michael Ross led us in music. The service can be seen on this site and on our Facebook Live page.

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Always Be Ready

The worship service focused on a verse from 1 Peter 3:15 which challenged all of us to always be ready to share the reason for the hope that we have. The world around us is in such need of hope. Jesus Christ is the answer for the hope that the world needs. Rev. Larry Cochran offered the message while Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music. The children’s choir sang in honor of mother’s day. The service can be…

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If My People

Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message from 2 Chronicles 7:17 challenging all of us to return to the Lord. The promise is that God will heal the land if pray and seek Him with our entire being. Dr. Michael Ross led us in music. Kay Nicholas offered a solo that was inspirational. The service can be seen on our Facebook live site located at https://www.facebook.com/100068943804493/videos/777749053858621

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Guardian of the Soul

The worship centered this week on Psalm 23. We explored how the Lord is our Shepherd and what this means in our lives. Rev. Larry Cochran offered the message with music led by Dr. Michael Ross. The service can be seen here and on our Facebook live site.

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Fullness of Joy

The service this morning focused on the Joy that we receive in the presence of Jesus. Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews preached from John 20. This passage spoke about the time that the disciples were gathered in a room after the Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus came and stood amongst them. The disciples were overjoyed that Jesus was there. The service can be seen on this website or on our Facebook live site.

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Maundy Thursday Service

Our Hispanic/Latino congregation joined with our 10:00 AM congregation to worship God in a bi-lingual service. Pastor Julio Serrano offered a message in Spanish while Pastor Larry Cochran offered the message in English. The worship also included a foot-washing based on John 13. Ester Serrano offered a solo for us in Spanish.

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Palm Sunday Easter Cantata

Our choir under the director of Dr. Michael Ross presented the annual Easter Cantata to the glory of God. MaryKaye Cochran, Kay Nicholas and Dave Barden offered solos that blessed us all. A special guest soloist Brian Little offered a solo- “People Need the Lord”. The service can be seen on our Facebook Live site at https://www.facebook.com/100068943804493/videos/690394469528315

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3510 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, Virginia 23234
Phone:  (804)275-6336
Fax:  (804)275-1140

Sunday Services and Times

Early Seekers – 9:00 a.m.
Traditional/Blended Worship Service- 1 1:00 a.m.
Hispanic/Latino Worship-  1:00 p.m.


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