
Wrestling with our Hunger

The service today focused on the feeding of the five hundred from Matthew 14. The message addressed not only physical hunger but our spiritual hunger. Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message and the music was led by Dr. Michael Ross. The service can be seen on this site and on your Facebook live site.

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Hidden and Mixed In

Our worship service on July 3th featured a Spirit filled arrangement of 10,000 reasons by Rev. Shayne Estes on the cello and Dr. Michael Ross on the piano. The service was based on Matthew 13:31-33. 42-54 where Jesus offered the parables of the mustard seed, the yeast, the treasure found in the field and the fine pearls. The take home was how the Kingdom of Heaven can be found in places we least suspect it. We shared about how through…

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Shine Like the Sun

Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message based on Matthew 13: 24-30 and 36-43. We were encouraged to strengthen our prayer life and spend time with God reading the Bible. This will help us live out our lives as followers of Christ making a difference in the world that we live in. Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music and MaryKaye Cochran offered a solo, “Peace Be Still.” The service can be seen on this site and on our…

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The Best Land

Pastor Julio Serrano delivered a powerful message highlighting Matthew 13:1-9. Pastor Julio spoke about the importance of keeping your eyes on God in addition to providing a brief lesson in agriculture as he reminded us to be sowers who willing follow God’s calling. Ratha Tek offered a wonderful solo in her native language. Special guests for worship today including District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Hyo Lee and Senator Hoshmi. It was truly a beautiful and united day at Belmont!

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Quenching the Thirst

The message focused on Matthew 10:40-42 where Jesus challenges us in the area of hospitality and service. Rev. Larry Cochran offered the message while Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music. Fred Boswell played the saxophone to the tune of Hymn of Freedom. The service can be seen here and on our Facebook live site.

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Letting Go and Letting In

The service for June 25th focused on Acts 11:1-18 where Peter explains to the church in Jerusalem that God’s grace and love is for all people, not just for the Jews but for the Gentiles too. Peter shares about the vision he had regarding the sheet that dropped down from heaven which has various animals to eat that he had previously been prohibited from eating and his visit with Cornelius. Rev. Dr. Jim Melson offered the message which included his…

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Trusting the Unknown

The service on June 11 focused on trusting God as we step by faith into the unknown. Rev. Larry Cochran preached from Matthew 9:9-13 and 18-26 which included the story of the call of Matthew along with the ruler and the woman who touched Jesus’s cloak. The service can be seen on this site and our Faccbook live site.

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Go Therefore

Our service on this communion Sunday focused on the call Jesus places on all of our lives. In Matthew 28:16-20 ‘Jesus commissions the Disciples and us to go into the world and make disciples. He says that he will be with them and us to the end of the age as we embark on this mission that Jesus places before us. Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message today and Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music. Dr. Ross…

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On this day we celebrated Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples in Acts 2. The message was offered by Rev. Larry Cochran. Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music. A powerful rendition of “He Never Failed Me Yet” was offered as an anthem by the choir with the closing hymn “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. The service can be seen on this site and on our Facebook Live site.

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3510 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, Virginia 23234
Phone:  (804)275-6336
Fax:  (804)275-1140

Sunday Services and Times

Early Seekers – 9:00 a.m.
Traditional/Blended Worship Service- 1 1:00 a.m.
Hispanic/Latino Worship-  1:00 p.m.


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