
Christmas Cantata

The choir under the direction of Dr. Michael Ross led us in worship with our annual Christmas Cantata. Marie Coone served as the narrator. Marie prepared an outstanding narration that helped us focus on worship and God’s love. Fred Boswell offered song with his saxophone. MaryKaye Cochran shared a solo. The service can be seen here and on our Facebook page.

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The Lord’s Highway

The message on the third Sunday of Advent focused on joy. Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews preached from Isaiah 35:1-10. We were challenged to remember that God is with us everyday. There is a highway to heaven that we all are on and we are not alone. Dr. Michael Ross led the music.

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Honoring the Lord

On this Christ the King Sunday, Rev. Larry Cochran spoke from the book of Proverbs. Proverbs 3:5-10 which reminds us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart. When we do this, we are led to honor the Lord with our tithes and offerings. Dr. Michael Ross led the choir music.

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The Widow’s Offering

Rev Dr. Gwen Andrews offered a message on the widow who made an offering in the temple. Jesus comments that she put in more than all the others. All of the others gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live in. The message for us to to give ourselves entirely to Jesus. We are to give are all. The scripture came from Luke 21:1-4. Dr. Michael Ross led…

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Man Out on a Limb

The service today focused on the story of Zacchaeus and how he climbed a tree to see Jesus. Jesus changed his life. The story in found in Luke 19:1-10. Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message. Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music.

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Poured Out

Our service on October 23rd focused on Paul’s words to Timothy at the end of his ministry. He tells Timothy that he fought the good fight, that he ran a good race and he kept the faith. He poured out his life for Christ. The challenge for us is to do the same thing, to be all in with our faith. Rev. Larry Cochran offered the message from 2 Timothy 4. Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music.

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Itching Ears

The message for October 16th was brought by Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews. The scripture preached from was 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5. Paul is encouraging Timothy in his call as minister of the Gospel to preach the word: be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. Paul knew that there are people who are turning away from the truth and have itching ears to hear what they want to hear. For us today,…

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Jesus Saw Their Faith

On this Homecoming Sunday, Rev. Seungsoo “RJ” Jun offered the message taken from Mark 2:1-12. RJ challenged us to remember our heart as we see to bring the message of Christ to others. God has been doing some powerful work at Belmont over the past 67 years and we are to remember why we do what we do, so that others may experience the love of Christ. The service was followed by a great luncheon in the Upper Room. The…

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3510 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, Virginia 23234
Phone:  (804)275-6336
Fax:  (804)275-1140

Sunday Services and Times

Early Seekers – 9:00 a.m.
Traditional/Blended Worship Service- 1 1:00 a.m.
Hispanic/Latino Worship-  1:00 p.m.


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