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Richmond Police Faith Leaders Partnership 3:30 PM Richmond Police Faith Leaders Partnership @ Police Headquarters Jan 14 @ 3:30 PM – Jan 15 @ 5:00 PM **** This is a reminder of our Upcoming Faith Leaders Meeting**** I would like to talk about going to Midlothian Village to do outreach in July and August. A team of us went to Midlothian Village on the 19th but due to the weather, upon our arrival, we could not do the outreach…. We need our prayers warriors and our resource partners to be in strong force when we do the outreach. I would like to reschedule our outreach one… Richmond Police Department Faith Leader’s Meetings 3:00 PM Richmond Police Department Faith Leader’s Meetings Jan 14 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Our monthly Faith Leader’s Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. at Police Headquarters, located at 200 W. Grace St. Parking is FREE and is available at our Headquarters parking lot located at the corner of Grace Street and N. Jefferson Street within a black fence. (Also, the lot faces a large sculpture attached to Police Headquarters. See attached) There are over 30 parking spaces available for you. Park in the first two rows,… Woman’s Bible Study by zoom 6:30 PM | ||||||
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Our monthly Faith Leader’s Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. at Police Headquarters, located at 200 W. Grace St.
Parking is FREE and is available at our Headquarters parking lot located at the corner of Grace Street and N. Jefferson Street within a black fence. (Also, the lot faces a large sculpture attached to Police Headquarters. See attached) There are over 30 parking spaces available for you. Park in the first two rows, closest to the building, that are marked “Police Parking Only”. Beginning at 2:30 p.m., you may enter the HQ building by using the door that is directly underneath the sculpture.
Please let me know how I can make our faith leaders program soar higher.
Officer Kimberly Cheatham-McClarin
Community Care Unit
Richmond Police Department
200 West Grace Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220
804-646-6754 Office
804-646-4299 Fax
~The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.~
(Exodus 14:14, AMP)
In life, we are always going to have critics. We’ll always have difficult people who try to upset us and steal our peace and joy. But, you don’t have to respond to every critic. You can decide to take the high road and let God fight your battles for you.
Our monthly Faith Leader’s Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. at Police Headquarters, located at 200 W. Grace St.
Parking is FREE and is available at our Headquarters parking lot located at the corner of Grace Street and N. Jefferson Street within a black fence. (Also, the lot faces a large sculpture attached to Police Headquarters. See attached) There are over 30 parking spaces available for you. Park in the first two rows, closest to the building, that are marked “Police Parking Only”. Beginning at 2:30 p.m., you may enter the HQ building by using the door that is directly underneath the sculpture.
Please let me know how I can make our faith leaders program sore higher in 2018.
Officer Kimberly Cheatham-McClarin
Community Care Unit
Richmond Police Department
200 West Grace Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220
804-646-6754 Office
804-646-4299 Fax
~The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.~
(Exodus 14:14, AMP)
In life, we are always going to have critics. We’ll always have difficult people who try to upset us and steal our peace and joy. But, you don’t have to respond to every critic. You can decide to take the high road and let God fight your battles for you.