
More Than

Join us on November 17th as we explore Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians where he shares that God can do immeasurably more than what we can ask or imagine. Our God is a God of surprises who wants us to live life to the full. Come this Sunday and learn more about this God who loves us beyond measure and wants the very best for each one of us.

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Getting to Jesus

Join us on October 13th at our 11:00 service for a powerful homecoming celebration which includes a great meal in our fellowship room right after worship. Rev. Dr. Joseph Crockett will be offering a message on “Getting to Jesus”. Rev. Crockett will be preaching from Mark 2: 1-12 where four friends lowered their paralyzed friend down to Jesus through the roof of the house where Jesus was staying. They couldn’t get through the crowd to bring him to Jesus so…

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Power, Love and Self-Discipline

On a recent camping trip, my wife and I had the opportunity to sit by a campfire and enjoy time together in the woods. The campfire was a pleasant experience as we would warm ourselves in the evening by the flames. By morning time, the fire had died down to just a few embers that were still burning. It didn’t take long to rekindle the fire and getting it going again to help with the morning chill. I am reminded…

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Blessing of the backpacks

On September 1st, we took the opportunity to bless the backpacks of our young people as they began a new year. This will serve as a reminder to them that they are never alone as they face the joys and challenges of a new school year; God will be with them.

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Let the celebration begin

Join us on September 15th as we see what makes the angels rejoice. All of us at times have lost something important for us. Do you remember finding that lost item and how happy you were when you found it? We are going to look at what happens when someone discovers the joy of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Celebration breaks out in the midst of that breakthrough.

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Let Mutual Love Continue

Join us on the first Sunday of September for a time of encouragement as we explore the words of the writer of Hebrews found in chapter 13. We will be challenged to examine where we are in our relationship with others as the writer reminds us of the importance of loving others through hospitality and service. We will look at the importance of contentment and what the foundation of contentment is in our lives. If you are seeking deeper contentment…

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Go, Glow and Grow

Join us on August 18th as we have the opportunity to hear the sermon preached by Bishop Pete Weaver at Annual Conference. Bishop Weaver will challenge us to leave the church walls behind us and go out to the community to share the message of Christ’s love. In the midst going, we will find that we will also grow in our love of God and love of neighbor. The Bishop will be preaching from Matthew 28:16-20.

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The Flip Side of Justice

When you read these words, “The Flip Side of Justice” you may be wondering what in the world does that mean. In worship on August 11th, we will dive into the meaning of this. The prophet Isaiah challenges the people of Judah and us to live beyond ourselves. Isaiah 1:17 point us in the direction of justice saying “stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the orphan, plead the case of…

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The Love Never Stops Here

Join us on August 4th as we unpack the story of the rich fool found in Luke 12:13-21. Jesus tells us this parable to help us do some self examination on where we are in our relationship with God. Are we investing our lives in things eternal or are we investing in things that are not? We are challenged to be rich in the things of God instead of storing up treasures for ourselves. This is what brings true joy…

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Letting God Love You

We are excited about worship this coming Sunday, July 28th. We will be exploring the topic of prayer as found in Luke 11. The disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray. They didn’t ask about his healings or his miracles, they asked about prayer. The believed that the prayer life that Jesus was living was ultimately the foundation for all that he did. Join us in worship as we seek to understand in a deeper way what prayer means…

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3510 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, Virginia 23234
Phone:  (804)275-6336
Fax:  (804)275-1140

Sunday Services and Times

Early Seekers – 9:00 a.m.
Traditional/Blended Worship Service- 1 1:00 a.m.
Hispanic/Latino Worship-  1:00 p.m.


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