
Wonderful Fruity Faith

The message for May 3rd is offered by Rev. Dr. Ted Smith, Director of Connectional Ministries at the Virginia Conference office.  He offered a message titled, “Wonderful Fruity Faith” centered on John 15:1-8 and Luke 13:6-9.  The video of the service can be viewed here.

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Snared by the Enemy

The message for April 26 was “Snared by the Enemy” and is based on 2 Corinthians 2:1-11.  Michael Ross led us in music. Curtis Nines offered a solo. Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message. The video of the service can be seen here.

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Indescribable and Glorious Joy

The message for April 19th is based on 1 Peter 1:3-9 and invites us to experience the joy that is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.  In the midst of these difficult times, we can have joy because of what Christ has done for us.  He is our living hope.  Pastor Larry Cochran offers the message and Michael Ross leads us in music. A video of the service is found here.

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Easter Worship Service

Here is a video of the Easter Worship Service offered on April 12, 2020. Kay Nicholas and Dave Barden offered solos along with Michael Ross as music director. The message was “He is Risen” based on John 20: 1-18 with Pastor Larry Cochran offering the sermon.

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Going Out and Coming In

On March 8th at Belmont United Methodist Church we will look at Psalm 121 that speaks to us today as it did to the Hebrew people many centuries ago. It speaks of our journey with God and the promise that God has for each one of us that he will be with us, he is the one that we can look to for help, he will watch over all of our goings and comings. Come to church tomorrow to hear…

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Ash Wednesday

Join us for our Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 PM. This is the beginning of our Lenten journey to Easter. We will focus on the God’s mercy, compassion and love for us in the midst of our struggles to follow the path that God lays out for us. This will be a time of self-examination and confession as we seek the restoration that God desires for each one of us.

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3510 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, Virginia 23234
Phone:  (804)275-6336
Fax:  (804)275-1140

Sunday Services and Times

Early Seekers – 9:00 a.m.
Traditional/Blended Worship Service- 1 1:00 a.m.
Hispanic/Latino Worship-  1:00 p.m.


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