
Lessons and Carols

On the day after Christmas we gathered for our lessons and carols service. During this service Rev. Larry Cochran and Rev. Gwen Andrews read lessons which were scriptures highlighting the story of Christ being born. While Christmas is now behind us, we still need to be reminded of the miracle of Christ being born. Amen.

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Christmas Eve Service- Welcome Home

The service tonight celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. We looked at the experience of the shepherds as they went to see the baby Jesus. They immediately went and shared with everyone the good news of Jesus Christ. Rev. Larry Cochran offered the message while MaryKaye Cochran sang special music- “Sleep Holy Child”. Dr. Michael Ross led us in music.

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Christmas Cantata

Today we gathered for our annual Christmas Cantata orchestrated by Michael Ross. Led by the Chancel Choir , together we sang songs in the name of Jesus. While Christmas is a time for family and gifts, we cannot forget the greatest gift of all; the birth of Jesus Christ!

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Prepare the Way

Today Rev. Gwen preached about preparing the way highlighting Luke 3:1-6 in the process. Rev. Gwen spoke about how we must put God first everyday in order to prepare ourselves to deal with the inconsistencies of this world. Rev. Gwen also reminded that the second coming of Jesus is surely on its way. Will you be prepared?

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Time to Go Home

Today’s sermon was given by Rev. Larry Cochran. Rev. Larry Cochran spoke about being prepared for Christ by highlighting Luke 21:25-36 in the process. In a world that is filled with so much negativity it is our job to focus on Christ and remain thankful despite of our situations. As we prepare for the second coming of Christ, Rev. Larry Cochran poses the question, are you living a self-centered, or Christ-centered life?

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The Generosity of God

The message Christ the King Sunday focused on Matthew 14: 14-31, the Feeding of the Five Thousand. We were reminded of the generosity of God in our lives which moves us in the direction of generosity. Rev. Larry Cochran offered the message with Dr. Michael Ross leading us in music. The service can be seen on this website or our Facebook live site at

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Open The Floodgates

The November 14th message pointed us in the direction of the blessings that God showers on us. God speaks to us through the prophet Malachi in chapter 3 verse 10 saying, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be enough room to…

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All That She Had

The message for November 7 centered on what the Bible calls “The Widow’s Mite.” Jesus observes a poor widow at the Temple giving all that she had as an offering, two small copper coins. Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They gave out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in everything, all she had to live on.” The widow serves as an…

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3510 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, Virginia 23234
Phone:  (804)275-6336
Fax:  (804)275-1140

Sunday Services and Times

Early Seekers – 9:00 a.m.
Traditional/Blended Worship Service- 1 1:00 a.m.
Hispanic/Latino Worship-  1:00 p.m.


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