
Homecoming Service October 9th 10:00 PM

Everyone is invited to our annual Homecoming worship service to be held on October 9th at 10:00 AM at Belmont located at 3510 Broad Rock Blvd. Rev. Seungsoo ‘RJ’ Jun, Associate Director of Serving Ministries of the Virginia Conference will be our guest preacher. After the service, we will gather in our fellowship room for a barbeque luncheon. All are welcome.

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Rekindle the Gift

For World Communion Sunday, the message focused on rekindling the gift of the Holy Spirit that dwells within each one of us. Pastor Larry Cochran offered the message which came from 2 Timothy 1:1-14. Dr. Michael Ross led the choir in music.

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Gulf is Crossed

The message today came from Luke 16:19-31. This is the story of the rich man and Lazarus. We are challenged to see all people as God sees them. The rich man walked by Lazarus, the poor beggar everyday and did not see him. He did not help him. God has a special place in his heart for the poor. We are challenged to put our relationship with God and people above the pursuit of money. Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered…

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Finding the Lost

For our September 11th service, Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message from Luke 15:1-10. The parable of the lost sheep and the parable of the lost coin reveals to us the depth of God’s love for us.

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For the September 4th worship service, Rev. Larry Cochran gave the message from Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 and Luke 14:25-33 on the topic of commitment. God is committed to us as he created us, knew us before we were born and loves us beyond measure. Our response is to commit our lives to him.

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Where to Sit

On August 28th, Rev. Dr. Gwen Andrews offered the message from Luke 14:1, 7-14 which addressed the topic of humility. Christ sets us the example of what true humility looks like and how we are to follow that example.

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Set Free

For the August 21st worship service, Rev. Larry Cochran offered the message based on Luke 13:10-17 challenging us to remember how Jesus sets us free from all the things in life that keep us prisoner.

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3510 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, Virginia 23234
Phone:  (804)275-6336
Fax:  (804)275-1140

Sunday Services and Times

Early Seekers – 9:00 a.m.
Traditional/Blended Worship Service- 1 1:00 a.m.
Hispanic/Latino Worship-  1:00 p.m.


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