Pastor Larry’s sermon on Sunday, September 16th, titled “The Words That We Speak,” explored the profound impact of our words based on James 3:1-12. In this passage, James highlights the power of the tongue and its potential to both bless and curse.

Pastor Larry emphasized how the tongue, though small, wields immense influence. He illustrated how our words can build up or tear down, inspire or discourage, and how they reflect the true state of our hearts. Drawing from James 3:1-12, he discussed the metaphor of the tongue as a small rudder that steers a great ship or a spark that can set a whole forest ablaze, stressing the importance of being mindful of what we say.

The sermon also touched on the difficulty of taming the tongue, acknowledging that while it’s easy to speak out of anger or frustration, our words should instead be a reflection of our faith and love. Pastor Larry encouraged the congregation to cultivate a habit of speaking with grace and kindness, and to seek God’s help in using their words to honor Him and uplift others.