On a recent camping trip, my wife and I had the opportunity to sit by a campfire and enjoy time together in the woods. The campfire was a pleasant experience as we would warm ourselves in the evening by the flames. By morning time, the fire had died down to just a few embers that were still burning. It didn’t take long to rekindle the fire and getting it going again to help with the morning chill. I am reminded of Paul’s message to Timothy in 2 Timothy Chapter One where Paul encourages Timothy to rekindle the gift of God that was within him. He reminds Timothy that God did not give him a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. Come join us Sunday, October 6th as we explore how God has equipped each one of us with power, love and self-discipline to be all that God would have us be as we go through this journey of life.

Image may contain: fire, night, plant and outdoor